
Send email at automated times stored in database

For a project at university I have a requirement to send an email to a list of users, at a certain time each day, between certain dates.

The times required to send the emails are stored in a MySQL database like so:

Name      | Email address     | Start     | Finish   | Time
User 1    | user@example.com  | 20111008  | 20111015 | 1630
User 2    | bob2@example.com  | 20111011  | 2011102开发者_如何学C5 | 0900
etc, etc

We're using mostly PHP on a linux-based server.

The text for the email to everyone will be identical. It is probable that many users will have the same time specified, but I can figure out how to make the calls unique.

Is there a way that, when the data is inserted into the database, I can create a scheduled job to run at the specified time every day? And to delete said scheduled job if it is past the finish data? I can figure out what the script needs to be, but I'm not sure what technologies to use to create/run/delete the scheduled job.

Help much appreciated!

you have to run cron your server. here is some useful document.


the best option would be cron jobs

here is some documentation:


hope that helps!





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