How can I combine two columns into a one LIKE statement?
I have a lastname and a firstname.
I need to be able to search for smith or smith j.
I have this in my where clause:
lastname LIKE '%SMITH%' AND firstname LIKE '%J%'
What am I doing wrong? How can I combine the lastname and the first name for one LIKE for this? The data does have a smith j in it.
Thank you for any help开发者_运维技巧.
I am using Oracle 11g if that matters.
edit: forgot to include quotes. I did have that. thanks.
edit: It looks like I am doing it right so it must be something else.
UPPER(lastname) LIKE '%SMITH%' AND UPPER(firstname) LIKE '%J%'
Or if you really need it in one statement:
UPPER(lastname||firstname) LIKE '%SMITH%J%'
You need apostrophes around the strings:
lastname LIKE '%smith%' AND firstname LIKE '%J%'
Unless I have misunderstood your question
lastname LIKE '%smith%'
by itself will return both?
how about instead of using like, use a regular expression that matches both?
how about
(lastname LIKE '%SMITH%') AND
( (firstname LIKE '%J%') OR (firstname IS NULL) OR (firstname ='') )