
Using Google maps API with CloudMade maps

I'm developing an iPhone app that uses 开发者_运维知识库a map and show direction between two points on the map, the problem is i cant use the Google maps because it does not support street naming in my country, so instead I'm using CloudMade maps. The question is can i still query Google servers with direction requests and use the results on the CloudMade map? Is the Google license allows it?

According to Google's terms of service you cannot place any content obtained from Google's service on any other map without written permission from Google.

10.1.1 (g) No Use of Content without a Google Map. You must not use or display the Content without a corresponding Google map, unless you are explicitly permitted to do so in the Maps APIs Documentation, or through written permission from Google. For example, you must not use geocodes obtained through the Service except in conjunction with a Google map, but you may display Street View imagery without a corresponding Google map because the Maps APIs Documentation explicitly permits you to do so.

I would contact Google, they may be able to work with you in your situation.


Google contact information is a bit sparse for free maps.

Here is a link to the permissions tool:


This is a link to Google Enterprise support:


Or you may want to try and contact a Google office in your country if one exists. I do not believe their legal department has a direct contact information for the public.


An here is the Google premier sales contact information. I don't think you would need to obtain a premier license (they are expensive) with the information you provided about your app but the sales representative may be able to point you in the right direction.






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