
How to add leaderboard feature of OpenFeint in Android?

I am developing a game in Android, by extending a class with view. I have integrated OpenFeint in it by studying the tutorial provided on OpenFeint site url is(http://support.openfeint.com/dev/getting-started-with-of-android-1-10-2-integrate-openfeint-in-your-game/), but I am not able to add a leaderboard f开发者_开发百科eature in my app. How can I do that?

My game class is like this:

public class GameActivity extends Activity {

Intent i;

  Grapic g;
    public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
        getWindow().setFlags(WindowManager.LayoutParams.FLAG_FULLSCREEN, WindowManager.LayoutParams.FLAG_FULLSCREEN);

        setContentView(new Grapic(this));

and Grapic is a class which extends view and where scoring is done with touch events.

i solved problem by myself
The link http://support.openfeint.com/dev/getting-started-with-of-android-1-10-2-add-openfeint-features-to-your-game/ had the code and first create achievement feature for your game and then leader board in also and refer the code below where you put scores

        public void onFinish()
             new Achievement("123456").unlock(new Achievement.UnlockCB () {

                 public void onFailure(String exceptionMessage) {
                   Toast.makeText( getContext(),"Error (" + exceptionMessage + ") unlocking achievement.", Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show();
                   ((Activity) getContext()).setResult(Activity.RESULT_CANCELED);
                   ((Activity) getContext()).finish();
               public void onSuccess(boolean newUnlock) {
                       // TODO Auto-generated method stub
                       ((Activity) getContext()).setResult(Activity.RESULT_OK);
                       ((Activity) getContext()).finish();

       long scoreValue = Long.parseLong(nit) ;
       Score s = new Score(scoreValue, null); // Second parameter is null to indicate that custom display text is not used.
       Leaderboard l = new Leaderboard("234567");
       s.submitTo(l, new Score.SubmitToCB() {
         @Override public void onSuccess(boolean newHighScore) {                 // sweet, score was posted
                       ((Activity) getContext()).setResult(Activity.RESULT_OK);
                       ((Activity) getContext()).finish();
         @Override public void onFailure(String exceptionMessage) {
           Toast.makeText(((Activity) getContext()), "Error (" + exceptionMessage + ") posting score.", Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show();
               ((Activity) getContext()).setResult(Activity.RESULT_CANCELED);
               ((Activity) getContext()).finish();
            handler.post(new Runnable() {
                public void run() {
               Intent i=new Intent(new Intent(getContext(),Androidfacebook.class));

               i.putExtra("aman", nit);





验证码 换一张
取 消

