
unnoticeable lesscss compiler in eclipse pdt

I want to use a less compiler like dotless as eclipse builder. If I set the build option "Run the builder:" to "During auto builds", every 5-10 sec the builder is runing (thats ok) but it also ask me to save, instead of ignoring the unsaved files.

As workaround I activate the workspace-option "Save 开发者_高级运维automatically before build" and bind Ctrl+S to "build all"

Is there a better solution?

To automatically transpile LESS to CSS in Eclipse, I explain two possible ways.

  1. Using a Plugin
  2. How to do it manually

(I edited this post after I wrote the plugin, so the manual way is the old way, that the original post contained over some time, which you may have seen here a while ago)


For either solution you need to install node and lessc (the less-compiler).

Installing lessc through npm with the following commands:

npm install -g less-compiler
npm install -g less

1. Install the Eclipse Transpiler Plugin

I wrote an eclipse plugin to handle transpiling in eclipse. Just install it and follow the instructions on the project readme to configure transpiling for your project.

-> https://github.com/gossi/eclipse-transpiler-plugin

2. Manually install a builder

I wrote myself a little shell script that runs lessc after every save on a .less file. However, eclipse keeps its own environment, thus no %PATH variables are available in eclipse. So, you need the full path to the lessc command, which you can find with which lessc:

$ which lessc

Also, because lessc runs on a node environment:

$ head -n1 /usr/local/bin/lessc
#!/usr/bin/env node

You cannot run this directly, because eclipse doesn't know about your environment. You need to prepend the node command, to achieve a lessc call in eclipse:

$ which node

The shell script with the full path to lessc is:


/usr/local/bin/node /usr/local/bin/lessc css/*.less > css/*.css

You may adjust the input and output sources according to your project. In order to make that run in eclipse we need to make it run as a builder. Here you go:

  1. Rightclick on your project > Properties > Builders.
  2. Click New, choose Programm and give it a cool name
  3. "Main" Tab
    • Location: Choose the shell script here
    • Working Directory: I choosed the project folder
  4. "Refresh" Tab
    • [x] Refresh resources upon completion
    • [x] Specific resources
    • Click on "Specify Resources..."
    • Check the resources that you want to be refreshed after the compilation, typically the css files
    • Recursively include sub-folders depends on you and your project
  5. "Build Options"
    • [  ] Allocate Console (uncheck, we want it silent, turn it on for debugging)
    • [x] Launch in Background
    • Run the Builder
      • [  ] After a "clean"
      • [x] During manual builds
      • [x] During auto builds
      • [  ] During a "clean"
    • [x] Specify working set of relevant resources
    • Click "Specify Resources..."
    • Choose the resources you want to compile, typically your .less files. A Note, don't select the folder with css files here, that gets refreshed after the build, anyway your eclipse might get catched in a never-ending-loop here. So .less files will be enough.

Now, open a .less file, do some changes and save. Open the compiled .css file - tada :)


I think this will work on windows too, with an according .bat file.

Have fun

You could use a tool to watch your LESS files and compile on change:

  • OS X: LESS.app
  • Windows: WinLess




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