
What's the name of this field?

Image an application that accepts human text as input data, application process the text and then user ask a question from application, f开发者_如何学JAVAinaly application answers the question according to input data.

What's the name of the above field in AI?

Is there any open source project that implements first paragraph?

For example:

User> My name is Amir.
Machine> OK.
User> What's my name?
Machine> Your name is Amir.

That's natural language processing (NLP), more specifically a combination of question answering and dialogue systems/chatterbots.

If you google those terms + "open source", you'll find lots of stuff, but don't expect anything to work magic out of the box. Better pick up a book on the topic first; the classic is Jurafsky & Martin.

"Is there any open source project that implements..."

We have to mention A.L.I.C.E. here as an award-winning free natural language artificial intelligence chat robot and it is open-source free software.





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