
Salesforce post data from remote server

I am a newbie to Salesforce, currently developing an application which will be used by our clients. One feature of the application is, it should receive data from our remote server for each client and update/insert a record in Salesforce for that client. I am not sure how to go about doing this.

I looked into Salesforce REST API (http://www.salesforce.com/us/developer/docs/api_rest/api_rest.pdf) to POST data into Salesforce, but that required to provide client id, customer key and user id/password of Salesforce, which I think we will not able t开发者_Go百科o get from our clients (?). Can anyone tell me how to go about achieving this?

Thanks in advance.

I did a bit more research on this (in Google). Apparently what many are doing is create an Apex Controller and attach it to a VFS page. Then what each client has to do in their salesforce instance is, create a public site and expose this VFS page. So, its easy to post to this URL. Ofcourse, we need to handle URL Tampering check, which is separate thing. An example of this can be found here -> http://www.clintslee.com/2011/02/08/salesforce-twilio-receiving-incoming-texts/

Sounds like you want to look into the OAuth features of force.com:

  • An overview article at the salesforce.com wiki
  • The Salesforce.com OAuth documentation




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