
Keep Windows Script in same Command Window

I have the following script which does the following on a Virtuozzo hardware node. : Get Running VEs : Prompt for VEID : Get Established Connections on Port 3389 for Specified VEID : Prompt for IP to Block : Create IP Security Policy to Block Specified IP : Reset Terminal 开发者_如何转开发Sessions

So everything works the way I want except I can't figure out how to have everything occur in a single cmd prompt rather than spawning new command prompts. If I remove the cmd /K from the exec commands then nothing is displayed. Am I missing something simple?

Set oShell = CreateObject ("Wscript.Shell")

getrunningvelistcmd = "cmd /K echo 'List Running VEs' & vzlist -a | find ""running"""
getrunningvelist = oShell.run (getrunningvelistcmd,1,false)

strVEID = InputBox("Enter VEID","Enter VEID")

whosethebrutecmd = "cmd /K echo 'Whose the Brute' & vzctl exec "&strVEID & " netstat -ano | find "":3389""" 
whosethebrute = oShell.run (whosethebrutecmd,1,false)

strIP = InputBox("Enter IP Address to Block","Enter IP Address to Block")

blockcmd = "cmd /K echo 'Create Policy' & vzctl exec "&strVEID & " netsh ipsec static add policy description=""Block Rule"" name=""Blocked Traffic"" && echo. && echo 'Create Filter List' && vzctl exec "&strVEID & " netsh ipsec static add filterlist name=""IP Block List"" && echo. && echo 'Create Filter' && vzctl exec "&strVEID & " netsh ipsec static add filter filterlist=""IP Block List"" srcaddr="&strIP & " dstaddr=any description=""Hacker IP"" && echo. && echo 'Define Filter Action' && vzctl exec "&strVEID & " netsh ipsec static add filteraction name=""Block"" action=block && echo. && echo 'Add Rule to Filter Action' && vzctl exec "&strVEID & " netsh ipsec static add rule name=""Block Rule"" policy=""Blocked Traffic"" filterlist=""IP Block List"" filteraction=""Block"" activate=yes && echo. && echo 'Assign Policy' && vzctl exec "&strVEID & " netsh ipsec static set policy name=""Blocked Traffic"" assign=yes && echo. && echo. && echo 'Reset Sessions PRESS ENTER' && vzctl exec "&strVEID & " rwinsta rdp-tcp && echo. && echo 'You Terminated the Brute!'"
blockthebrute = oShell.run (blockcmd,1,false)  

set oShell =  Nothing 

The 'programmatically correct way' to solve your problem is to write a .hta GUI. But if you are willing to use cscript to run your script, you may get an acceptable UI without to much work. As I don't have your *ware, this POC script:

' bstep00.vbs - keep-windows-script-in-same-command-window

Option Explicit

Dim oWSH : Set oWSH = CreateObject( "WScript.Shell" )
Dim sCmd, oEx, sFN, iRet

sCmd = "fkdir.bat"
Set oEx = oWSH.Exec( sCmd )
If Not oEx.StdOut.AtEndOfStream Then
   WScript.Echo oEx.StdOut.ReadAll()
   WScript.StdOut.Write "file to type: "
   sFN = WScript.StdIn.ReadLine()
   sCmd = "fktype.bat " & sFN
   Set oEx = oWSH.Exec( sCmd )
   If Not oEx.StdOut.AtEndOfStream Then
      WScript.Echo oEx.StdOut.ReadAll()
      WScript.Echo "(1) oEx.StdOut.AtEndOfStream"
   End If
   WScript.Echo "(0) oEx.StdOut.AtEndOfStream"
End If
WScript.Echo "Done."

uses dir (get/show info) and type (use user's input based on info) to demonstrate the components: .Exec and .bat files (like

@echo off
type %1

). Using .bat (or .cmd) files solves 2 problems: "complex command lines" and "%comspec% starting", so don't be tempted to avoid them by putting more text into sCmd.

Output of sample session:

cscript bstep00.vbs
07.10.2011  13:48                29 fkdir.bat
07.10.2011  14:01                20 fktype.bat

file to type: fkdir.bat
@echo off
dir | find "bat"





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