
Syntax error: Array of Vectors in OO C++

I've got an outline of a HashTable class I'm trying to make. I'm getting 3 errors output from Visual Studio, but I can't see the problem here. I'm fairly new to OO in C++ so it's probably something i've missed. It claims there is a problem with my array of vectors. The errors are:

error C2143: syntax error : missing ';' before '<'  line 10
error C2238: unexpected token(s) preceding ';'  line 10
error C4430: missing type specifier - int assumed. Note: C++ does not support default-int   line 10

Here's my complete class, it's pretty empty right now:

#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
#include "stdafx.h"
using namespace std;

class HashTable
  const static int buckets = 100;
  vector<int> hashTable[buckets];    //Internal storage

  int hash(int toHash);   //Performs hash function

  HashTable();   //Constructor
  HashTable(int s);   //Constructor
  ~HashTable();   //Destructor

  void add(int toAdd);    //Adds an element to the HashTable
  void remove(int toDelete);    //Deletes an element from the HashTable
  bool search(int toSearch);    //Returns true if element in HashTable, false otherwise
  int getSize();   //Returns size of HashTable
  void print();    //Prints current state of the hashtable

  //TODO more methods...?




    //cout << "Destroyed" << endl;

void HashTable::add(int toAdd)

  //elements[hash(toAdd开发者_JAVA百科)] = toAdd;


void HashTable::remove(int toDelete)


bool HashTable::search(int toSearch)


int HashTable::getSize()
  //return size;

void HashTable::print()


int main()

  return 0;

The C++ here is valid (once you fill in the empty functions). The problem is with how Visual C++ uses precompiled headers. When you use precompiled headers (the default setting), the Visual C++ compiler expects the first line of each implementation file to be #include "stdafx.h", and doesn't compile anything that appears before that.

This means the the include of <vector> in your code is ignored, and thus compiling vector<int> causes an error.

If you move the line #include "stdafx.h" to the top this should compile. Or you can disable precompiled headers in the project settings.





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