Monitoring Spotify track change in Applescript?
I'm trying to figure out the best way via Spotify's Applescript library to detect a track change. So far, I've tried checking player position -- if it equals 0 it is a new track and the Growl notification appears again. (This didn't work mostly if someone started a song over, etc.)
I'm wondering if the more plausible method is having an idle iTunes script running and checking the current track name for change every couple seconds. I'm worried this might be a bit of a hog memory-wise. I can't get this code to function either.
tell application "System Events"
-- checks for instance of Growl and Spotify, does not run if both programs are not active
set isRunning to ¬
(count of (every process whose name is "Growl")) > 0
(count of (every process whose name is "Spotify")) > 0
end tell
--establish empty variable to be filled by song title later
global latest_song
set latest_song to ""
on idle
tell application "Spotify"
if player state is playing then
copy name of current track to current_tracks_name
-- runs match between last and current song titles
if current_tracks_name is not latest_song then
copy current_tracks_name to latest_song
set who to artist of current track
set onwhat to album of current track
tell application "Growl"
-- Make a list of all the notification types
-- that this script will ever send:
set the allNotificationsList to ¬
-- Make a list of the notifications
-- that will be enabled by default.
-- Those not enabled by default can be enabled later
-- in the 'Applications' tab of the growl prefpane.
set the enabledNotificationsList to ¬
-- Register our script with growl.
-- You can optionally (as here) set a default icon
-- for this script's notifications.
register as application ¬
"Spotify" all notifications allNotificationsList ¬
default notifications enabledNotificationsList ¬
icon of application "Spotify"
-- Send a Notification...
notify with name ¬
"SpotifyNewTrack" title ¬
current_tracks_name description ¬
who application name "Spotify"
end tell
end if
return 5
end if
end tell
end idle
This might be a little complicated but any help is appr开发者_运维百科eciated.
I've worked on a little script, since Spotify does not support Growl 1.3.
Programming is not very good, but I think, the Notifications are very fancy ;)
set delay_time to 1
-- register growl
tell application "Growl"
set the allNotificationsList to {"SpotifyNewTrack"}
set the enabledNotificationsList to {"SpotifyNewTrack"}
register as application ¬
"Spotify" all notifications allNotificationsList ¬
default notifications enabledNotificationsList ¬
icon of application "Spotify"
end tell
set myspace to " "
set myspace2 to myspace & myspace
set myspace3 to myspace & myspace & myspace
set old_track_id to ""
set old_state to ""
set boolStarted to false
set boolPaused to false
-- main code
tell application "Spotify" to set track_id to id of current track
tell application "Spotify" to set theState to player state as string
if ((old_state is "stopped") or (old_state is "paused")) and theState is "playing" then set boolStarted to true
if (old_state is "playing") and theState is "paused" then set boolPaused to true
set old_state to theState
if (old_track_id is not track_id) or boolStarted or boolPaused then
tell application "Spotify"
set theTitle to name of the current track
set theArtist to artist of the current track
set theAlbum to album of the current track
set theDuration to duration of the current track
set theCount to played count of the current track
set theStarred to starred of the current track
set thePopularity to popularity of the current track
set theCover to artwork of the current track
set thePosition to player position
end tell
if theStarred then
set stringStarred to "♥" & myspace
set stringStarred to ""
end if
set stringPopularity to ""
repeat (thePopularity / 20 as integer) times
set stringPopularity to stringPopularity & "✭"
end repeat
repeat (5 - (thePopularity / 20 as integer)) times
set stringPopularity to stringPopularity & "✩"
end repeat
set theMinutes to round (theDuration / 60) rounding down
set theSeconds to round (theDuration - (theMinutes * 60))
if theSeconds < 10 then set theSeconds to "0" & theSeconds
set thePosMinutes to round (thePosition / 60) rounding down
set thePosSeconds to thePosition - (thePosMinutes * 60) as integer
if thePosSeconds < 10 then set thePosSeconds to "0" & thePosSeconds
set stringPos to thePosMinutes & ":" & thePosSeconds
if boolStarted or boolPaused then
set thePosMinutes to round (thePosition / 60) rounding down
set thePosSeconds to thePosition - (thePosMinutes * 60) as integer
if thePosSeconds < 10 then set thePosSeconds to "0" & thePosSeconds
set stringPos to thePosMinutes & ":" & thePosSeconds
end if
set growlTitle to theArtist & ":" & myspace2 & theTitle
set growlMessage to theAlbum & myspace & "||" & myspace & theMinutes & ":" & theSeconds & ¬
myspace & stringStarred & stringPopularity & " (" & thePopularity & ")" & myspace & theCount & "x"
if boolStarted then set growlTitle to growlTitle & myspace3 & "▶"
if boolPaused then set growlTitle to growlTitle & myspace3 & "❚❚"
-- save cover art
set f to open for access "Macintosh HD:tmp:spotify-artwork.tiff" with write permission
set eof of f to 0
write theCover to f
close access f
set thePercentage to (20 * thePosition / theDuration) as integer
set stringPercentage to ""
repeat (thePercentage - 1) times
set stringPercentage to stringPercentage & "·"
end repeat
set stringPercentage to stringPercentage & "◆"
if thePercentage is 0 then
repeat (19 - thePercentage) times
set stringPercentage to stringPercentage & "·"
end repeat
repeat (20 - thePercentage) times
set stringPercentage to stringPercentage & "·"
end repeat
end if
if boolStarted or boolPaused then
set growlTitle to growlTitle & myspace3 & stringPos & myspace3 & stringPercentage
end if
tell application "Growl" to notify with name ¬
"SpotifyNewTrack" title growlTitle description growlMessage ¬
application name ¬
"Spotify" image from location "/tmp/spotify-artwork.tiff"
end if
set old_track_id to track_id
end try
delay delay_time
end repeat
Worth mentioning this is irrelevant as Spotify has patched this in a recent update.
I have been using this script below. I believe it has the answer to your question in it. This code was found on:
property update_delay : 0.1
tell application "Audio Hijack Pro"
-- Create a new session "Spotify" if it doesn't already exist
set spotify_session to first session whose name is "Spotify"
if output name format of spotify_session is not "%tag_artist - %tag_title" then
display dialog "The existing profile for \"Spotify\" does not utilize %tag_artist and %tag_title in the output name format option. Please add this if you want your files to be named automatically or delete/rename your existing \"Spotify\" session."
end if
on error number -1719
tell application "Finder"
set spotify_path to POSIX path of (application file id "spty" as alias)
end tell
set spotify_session to make new application session at end of sessions
set targeted application of spotify_session to spotify_path
set output folder of spotify_session to "~/Desktop"
set output name format of spotify_session to "%tag_artist - %tag_title"
set recording format of spotify_session to {encoding:MP3, bit rate:320, channels:Stereo, style:VBR}
end try
set name of spotify_session to "Spotify"
-- (Re-)start hijacking and recording on the spotify session
if hijacked of spotify_session is true then
stop hijacking spotify_session
end if
start hijacking spotify_session relaunch yes
end tell
tell application "Spotify"
if not running then activate
if player state is playing then pause
display dialog "Start playing the tracks that you want to rip with Audio Hijack, quit spotify when done."
if repeating then display dialog "Please notice that you have repeating enabled in Spotify!"
set has_started to false -- Whether spotify have been playing yet
-- Check for changes to current track until spotify exits
repeat until application "Spotify" is not running
-- Changed track
if has_started and id of current track is not recording_id then
tell application "Audio Hijack Pro" to stop recording spotify_session
set has_started to false
end if
-- Started playing
if has_started is not true and player state is playing then
set has_started to true
set recording_id to id of current track
-- Get the metadata
set track_name to name of current track
set track_artist to artist of current track
set track_album to album of current track
tell application "Audio Hijack Pro"
set title tag of spotify_session to track_name
set artist tag of spotify_session to track_artist
set album tag of spotify_session to track_album
start recording spotify_session
end tell
end if
-- Stopped playing
if has_started and player state is not playing then
tell application "Audio Hijack Pro" to stop recording spotify_session
set has_started to false
end if
delay update_delay
end repeat
tell application "Audio Hijack Pro" to stop recording spotify_session
end tell