
Java Email Validation for UTF

I need to ma开发者_开发百科ke sure email is valid . And also I need to check that there is no weired UTF charactes in it . I am dont with validating it for validation with regular expression


But how do I check it for UTF ?


Are you trying to make sure it's valid w.r.t. RFC 5335 section 4.1?

If so, you can only check that a byte[] is valid UTF-8. It doesn't make sense to try to verify a sequence of UTF-16 code units (Java chars) or code-points is valid UTF-8 since UTF-8 is a byte-string to codepoint-string mapping and UTF-16 is a mapping from code-units->unicode-scalar-values. Section 3.9 of "Unicode Encoding Forms" explains all this.

The best way to tell whether a byte[] is a well formed UTF-8 sequence is to use one of the built in decoders, e.g. StandardCharsets.UTF8 or the Guava equivalent Charsets.UTF8.

If you want to make sure there are only ASCII characters in your email address, you can use that pattern:


It will mach any non-ascii character.





验证码 换一张
取 消

