
Template specialization for a range of values [duplicate]

This question already has answers here: Integer range based template specialisation [duplicate] (3 answers) Closed 5 years ago.

I wish to write a template structure foo such that foo<N>::value_type is the nearest sized integer (rounding up) to N. For example foo<32>::value_type => uint32_t, foo<33>::value_type => uint64_t and foo<72>::value_type => uint64_t.

To do this I need an elegant means of providing partial specializations of foo for a range of values, e.g, 1 <= N <= 8 to return uint8_t and so on and so fourth. Is there a开发者_开发技巧 means of accomplishing this without having to specialise everything from 0 to 64.

template<size_t N> struct select { typedef uint64_t result; };
template<> struct select<0> { typedef uint8_t result; };
template<> struct select<1> { typedef uint16_t result; };
template<> struct select<2> { typedef uint32_t result; };

template<size_t N>
struct foo
    enum{D = (N > 32 ? 3 : (N > 16 ? 2 : (N > 8 ? 1 : 0)))};

    typedef typename select<D>::result value_type;

    value_type value;

In c++11 you can use std::conditional:

    typename std::conditional<(N > 32), uint64_t,
    typename std::conditional<(N > 16), uint32_t,
    typename std::conditional<(N > 8), uint16_t, uint8_t>
    ::type>::type>::type value_type;

You can decide which one is less readable.

@hansmaad answer is a nice answer, but I would prefer to use (guess what?!) Boost:

boost::uint_t<N>::least // N: bits

The smallest, built-in, unsigned integral type with at least N bits. The parameter should be a positive number. A compile-time error results if the parameter is larger than the number of bits in the largest integer type.

Template parameters need to be concrete, so I don't think there's any way to avoid specializing for each required value.





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