Illegal Character error for ASP.NET/Oracle
I'm trying to make this ASP/SQL statement to work but I keep getting ORA-01036: Illegal Character error. So, I'm assuming that I am missing an escape character for my SQL Syntax or something along those lines.
I converted this code from my C# code which works and coding it to ASP.
<asp:SqlDataSource ID="EmployeeSqlDataSource" runat="server"
ConnectionString="<%$ ConnectionStrings:ConnectionString %>"
ProviderName="<%$ ConnectionStrings:ConnectionString.ProviderName %>"
SelectCommand="SELECT a.vax_user_id, b.person_id, b.email_id, b.last_nm, b.first_nm, b.parent_org_unit_cd, a.acceptance_date, a.emp_status_cd
FROM inet_own.fitness_rwl a, inet_own.employee_info_ldap_snap b
WHERE a.vax_user_id = b.vax_user_id
AND a.emp_status_cd like 'A'
AND UPPER(b.last_nm) LIKE UPPER('%:lastName%')
ORDER BY b.parent_org_unit_cd, a.acceptance_date
<asp:ControlParameter ControlID="radTbLastName" Name="lastName" />
Is :lastName
meant to be a bind variable? I don't know ASP, but neither perl or java or C (oci) would like that. Those languages do not allow bind variables within string literals (quotes), Instead you would have to write it as
AND UPPER(b.last_nm) LIKE UPPER( '%' || :lastName || '%' )
Unfortunately I don't see how this could cause the invalid character error, but maybe its confusing ASP so what is actually being passed to oracle is messed up. Just a guess.