
Configuring 'deep' dependencies with Unity IoC

Let's say I have the following classes and interfaces in my MVC 2 project:


IRepository1, IRepository2, IRepository3

public class ConcreteRepository1 : IRepository1
     public ConcreteRepository1()

public class ConcreteRepository2 : IRepository2
     public ConcreteRepository2()

public class ConcreteRepository3 : IRepository3
     public ConcreteRepository3()

Service classes:

public class Service1
    private IRepository1 repo1;
    private IRepository2 repo2;

    public Service1(IRepository1 repo1, IRepository2 repo2)
        this.repo1 = repo1;
        this.repo2 = repo2;


public class Controller1 : Controller
    private Service1 srv1;
    private Service2 srv2;

    public Controller1(Service1 srv1, Service2 srv2)
        this.srv1 = srv1;
        this.srv2 = srv2;

I have custom ControllerFactory and I know how to tie concrete repositories to interfaces:

IUnityContainer container = new UnityContainer();
container.RegisterType<IRepository1, ConcreteRepository1>(new TransientLifetimeManager(), new InjectionConstructor());
container.RegisterType<IRepository2, ConcreteRepository2>(new TransientLifetimeManager(), new InjectionConstructor());
container.RegisterType<IRepository3, ConcreteRepository3>(new TransientLifetimeManager(), new InjectionConstructor());

The question is how should I register services' instances and controllers' types inside my custom ControllerFactory to make u开发者_StackOverflow社区nity container resolve the whole hierarchy Controller->Service->Repository and avoid calling Resolve inside controllers or services?


If you have already registered IRepository1-3, so you can get Service1 instance simply calling


Calling container.Resolve<Controller1>() will automatically resolve dependencies and will create instance of type Controller1.


public interface IRepository1 { }
public interface IRepository2 { }
public interface IRepository3 { }

public class ConcreteRepository1 : IRepository1 { }
public class ConcreteRepository2 : IRepository2 { }
public class ConcreteRepository3 : IRepository3 { }

public class Service1
    private IRepository1 repo1;
    private IRepository2 repo2;

    public Service1(IRepository1 repo1, IRepository2 repo2)
        this.repo1 = repo1;
        this.repo2 = repo2;

public class Service2
    private IRepository1 repo1;
    private IRepository2 repo2;

    public Service2(IRepository1 repo1, IRepository3 repo3)
        this.repo1 = repo1;
        this.repo2 = repo2;

public class Controller1
    private Service1 srv1;
    private Service2 srv2;

    public Controller1(Service1 srv1, Service2 srv2)
        this.srv1 = srv1;
        this.srv2 = srv2;


var container = new UnityContainer();
container.RegisterType<IRepository1, ConcreteRepository1>();
container.RegisterType<IRepository2, ConcreteRepository2>();
container.RegisterType<IRepository3, ConcreteRepository3>();

var controller = container.Resolve<Controller1>();


public interface IRepository { }
public class Repository : IRepository { }

public class Service
    public Service()
        Console.WriteLine("Parameterless constructor called");

    public Service(IRepository repository)
        Console.WriteLine("Contructor with IRepository called");

private static void Main()
    var container = new UnityContainer();
    container.RegisterType<IRepository, Repository>();
    var service = container.Resolve<Service>();
    container.RegisterType<Service>(new InjectionConstructor());
    var service2 = container.Resolve<Service>();


Contructor with IRepository called
Parameterless constructor called

So, when we haven't registered Service (in other words, it has default resolving behavior), Unity constructs Service using greediest constructor by default. When you specify new InjectionConstructor(), this tells Unity to use parameterless constructor. The same behavior can be received if you mark constructor (in this case public Service()) with InjectionConstructorAttribute.

surely just the following -

container.RegisterType<Service1>(new TransientLifetimeManager(), new InjectionConstructor());

and the same for Service2. The IoC container will construct the objects for you





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