
Where to find a reliable K-medoid(Not k-means) open source software/tool? [closed]

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I am learning the K-medoids algorithm so I am sorry if I ask inappropriate questions. As I know,the K-medoids algorithm implements a K-means clustering but use actual data points to be centroid instead of mathematical calculated means.

As I googled online, I found a lot of k-means tools such as GenePattern, geWengh,...etc but not the k-medoids ones. Some nice friends has showed me that at Matlab, there is also one written by some user. However, I am afraid that personal implemented tool may still have some bugs or limitations. Thus, I am wondering if there is some widely used reliable open source software/tools which uses actual data points as centroids to cluster. I need to find out the information about actual centroids so only returning clustering results is not enough. I prefer website online ones but if this is not the case, I am ok to install it to my local machine. Thank you very much,

  1. A k-medoid implmentation in C is available in the C Clustering Library (source, Manual). (note that Cluster 3.0 is an extension of this library, and may not provide k-medoids)

    From the manual:

    In the C Clustering Library, three partitioning algorithms are available: • k-means clustering • k-medians clustering • k-medoids clustering

  2. k-medoids in mlpy, Machine Learning library in Python

  3. k-medoids in Matlab

  4. k-medoids in Java

  5. k-medoids in C++


  • ELKI includes several k-means variants, including K-medoids and PAM.
  • GNU R includes on the "flexclust" package variants of k-means and on the "cluster" package.

Source: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/K-medoids

For Python, I've found a package that implements PAM and Clara: PyCluster





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