
Regular expression to select templatized words

I want to find all the words enclosed within a {} using a regular expression.

If my string is 'The Insured Addr {Address} is not valid for {Name}',

I want to pull out only 'Address' and 'Name' . I have been trying for开发者_开发技巧 couple of hours without success.

Any help is really appreciated.

I tried ([/{]([a-zA-Z0-9 ]*)[}])

This does not work.

I am using C#. Also the templates can contain dot notated properties as in 'Address.city','ABC.PQR.XYZ'


This will get anything inside of braces, even multiple words.

If you expect that you might have whitespace padding, you could use:


This will mean that {Address} and { Address } return the same thing. In this version, no other spaces are allowed in the tag, but you could just as easily do (.+?). The ? means that it will find a word within the two closest braces.


This will capture the text within the { and } within a group named name.

In C#:

Regex r = new Regex(@"{(?<name>.+?)}");
MatchCollection coll = r.Matches("The Insured Addr {Address} is not valid for {Name}");
foreach (Match m in coll) {



on the console.

>>> import re
>>> s = 'The Insured Addr {Address} is not valid for {Name}'
>>> re.findall('\{([a-zA-Z0-9 ]+)\}', s)
['Address', 'Name']

The regex:


will match both '{Address}' and '{Name}' and will capture 'Address' and 'Name' in match group 1. Because [^}] also matches line breaks, it will also work if { and } are on a different line (which is not the case with .*?).


I don't know what language you are using, but the word inside braces will be captured into the first submatch group.

For instance, using Ruby:

str = 'The Insured Addr {Address} is not valid for {Name}'
matches = str.scan(/\{([a-z0-9]+)\}/i).flatten
# => ['Address', 'Name']


The *? instead of * is for lazyness, to not catch {Address} is not valid for {Name} as one long unit. See here under "Laziness Instead of Greediness".

{([^}]*)} Will grab the first one.





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