Listbox Binded to ObservableCollection strange issue MVVM WPF
this is my first question posted here... I have an user interface that contains a ListBox with pre loaded items and the GUI allows the user to add or remove items to that listbox. Very Simple. The problem is that when I select items in the ListBox, I cannot "deselect" them if they where added to the ObservableCollection "in runtime" (The items loaded "by default" works fine!) I have a ListBox binded to an ObservableCollection like this:
<ListBox ItemsSource="{Binding RolFunciones}"
SelectedItem="{Binding SelectedRolFunciones, Mode=TwoWay, UpdateSourceTrigger=PropertyChanged}"
Height="300" />
In my ViewModel I have:
ObservableCollection<RolFuncion> mRolFunciones;
public ObservableCollection<RolFuncion> RolFunciones
get { return mRolFunciones; }
set { mRolFunciones = value; OnPropertyChanged(() => RolFunciones); }
RolFuncion mSelectedRolFunciones;
public RolFuncion SelectedRolFunciones
get { return mSelectedRolFunciones; }
set { mSelectedRolFunciones = value; OnPropertyChanged(() => SelectedRolFunciones); }
// Constructor
public RolViewModel()
RolFunciones = new ObservableCollection<RolFuncion>();
RolFunciones.CollectionChanged += new System.Collections.Specialized.NotifyCollectionChangedEventHandler(RolFunciones_CollectionChanged);
void RolFunciones_CollectionChanged(object sender, System.Collections.Specialized.NotifyCollectionChangedEventArgs e)
OnPropertyChanged(() => RolFunciones);
... And I have the method that Adds an Item to the ObservableCollection like this
void AddFunctionExecute()
RolFunciones.Add(new RolFuncion() { Descripcion = "dummy" });
Does somebody had the same issue?