ValueChanging event on Infragistics WebDataGrid
Does anyone have an idea why this doesn't work or a workaround?
I'm trying to use the ValueChanging event from inside an EditorProvider
I have defined an EditProvider
<ig:TextEditorProvider ID="tepPercent">
<EditorControl HorizontalAlign="Right" ClientEvents-ValueChanging="validatePercent4Decimals"></EditorControl>
And a javascript handler
function validatePercent4Decimals(sender, args) {
var oldfieldvalue = args.get_oldValue();
var newfieldvalue = args.get_value();
if (isNaN(newfieldvalue)) {
I've debugged it and can see it is running, and if I enter 34r, the inNan tests true and the set_value and set_cancel are called. But the value on the grid does not change from the 34r...
What's going on?
From this post on the Infragistics forums I believe that you have a numeric column. If this is the case then you should use a NumbericEditorProvider instead. There are more details on the available editor provides in the Infragistics help: