
Batch posting to feed

I am conducting test for a future project. I tried to rapidly post 100 - 200 test messages to a test user's feed from a server creating ~20 threads in parallel to send them as fast as possible. I got positive response to each one of those requests (including the id of the item being created in the body) but random number of those those messages does not appear on the facebook user's feed. For example it as ~40 when sending 200 in batch.

A开发者_JAVA技巧ny idea what could be causing this? It is weird especially considering that I am getting positive answer to each request.

Most likely Facebook spam detectors are filtering the messages after they get posted. Why would you possibly need to post 200 messages in a row to a users account? Your app would get shut down so fast. You can use the Facebook api to create a bunch of test accounts and then try distributing the posts to several different users to simulate real usage.





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