xml base and relative query combination in qml
I have the following xml :
I need to get the id, name as well as label and value from one XmlListModel
I have the following code:
XmlListModel {
id: model
source:"xml source"
XmlRole { name: "name"; query: "name/string()" }
XmlRole { name: "id"; query:"id/number()" }
XmlRole { name: "label"; query: "detail/resource/label/string()" }
XmlRole { name: "value"; query:"detail/resource/value/string()" }
What is wrong with this code? Thanks.
The problem is, that the xpath query detail/resource/label/string()
does not select exactly one node, because there are multiple resource
nodes. If you don't need all resource
nodes, you can select only the first one with detail/resource[1]/label/string()
If you need all resource
nodes, you can use an additional XmlModel
import QtQuick 1.0
Item {
property string xmlData:
<name>The Name</name>
// model for general data
XmlListModel {
id: model
xml: xmlData
XmlRole { name: "name"; query: "name/string()" }
XmlRole { name: "id"; query: "id/number()" }
// model for resource data
XmlListModel {
id: resModel
xml: xmlData
query: "/response/detail/resource"
XmlRole { name: "label"; query: "label/string()" }
XmlRole { name: "value"; query: "value/string()" }