Adding a product using Savon to connect to Magento API
I have got the code working for listing products in Ruby but am struggling to add a product, here is my code, I’m using the savon gem for HTTP/SOAP requests, based on the code here
# Insert some products ...
newproductdata = [
["name" , “test product"],
["websites" , [1]],
["short_description" , ‘short description’],
["description" , ‘description’],
["status" , 1],
["weight" , 0],
["tax_class_id" , 1],
["categories" , [3]],
["price" , 12.05]
response = client.request :call do
soap.body = {:session => session, :method => “produ开发者_开发技巧ct.create”, :arguments => ["simple", 1, “testsku1”, newproductdata]}
rescue Savon::SOAP::Fault => fault
puts “*****#{fault.to_s}*****”
I think the issue is the passing in of :arguments which perhaps needs to be named correctly, this code generates the error,
(SOAP-ENV:Client) Error cannot find parameter
you are mixing array- [] and hash-syntax {}
that's why you get a SYNTAX error (there is no COMPILATION step in ruby)