
mocking web service

I would like to mock a web service call to test my code. The following is a code snippet of which I want to mock. I would like to test callWebService() method. I want a way to create my own HttpResponse when callRestClientService(criteria) is called. I tried using JMock and EasyMock but unable to get the desired result. At the first instance I believe that I will not be able to mock or create my own HttpResponse.

Even if I am not able to mock the gateway call, I already have a local server to which I can make call to, but I would have to mock the reply sent back by the server to test different scenarios.

Can anyone help me with this.... Thanks!!

public class RestClientServiceResponse
    public HttpResponse callRestClientService(final RestClientServiceCriteria criteria) throws IOException
        final HttpUriRequest request = buildHttpUriRequest(criteria);
        return executeRestClientServiceCall(request);

    public HttpResponse executeRestClientServiceCall(final HttpUriRequest request) throws IOException
        final HttpClient client = new DefaultHttpClient();
        final HttpResponse httpResponse = client.execute(request);

        return httpResponse;

public class CallWebService
    public void callWebService()
        HttpResponse httpResponse = null;
            httpResponse = restClient.callRestClientService(criteria);
     开发者_开发问答   }
        catch (final Exception e)

If I understand you right, just use something like an embedded Jetty or Simple HTTP server. I tend to use Simple because it has generally better documentation. You can very easily set it to return whatever you want for a test. Depending on the complexity you need, you can even embed a mock inside the server, letting you perform normal mocking operations on the mock, which are translated into verifying HTTP requests and preparing HTTP responses.

SoapUI is a open source tool created to test web services and it supports service mocking very well. Go through this tutorial on how to do it.





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