Connecting DB using `HTML5` is possible? [closed]
Is it possible to connect to a DATABASE
which is in WEBSERVER
through HTML5
only without using ASP.NET
Html5 is a browser display language. It has no inherent methods or capabilities to connect to server side technology. You will always need a server side technology to connect to a database, even when using AJAX through a service. When you think about it, isn't this how you should want it? Would you really WANT to have a client connect directly to your database for any reason? You'd be exposing authentication information and allowing direct public access to your data store. Not terribly sensible.
The short answer is "No".
The slightly longer answer is "Maybe, it depends". e.g. If your database is CouchDB, then it is possible to host HTML documents directly on it (as an attachment to a regular CouchDB document). These can include JavaScript which can hold your application logic.
There is a specification called Web Sql Html 5, which is a variant of SQL. Unfortunately, this specification is stopped. You can see more details on these links.
Web SQL Database
HTML 5 Web SQL Database
Introducing Web SQL Database