
UISearchBar Issue on Table Loaded by SQLite Query

First of all, I'm new to this so excuse my any simplest question.

I'm trying to view data and filter it which is very common.

So I use different tutorials. First, I loaded data from my SQLite database,

then I used custom cell tutorials and customized my cells. But I got stuck in UISearchBar.

The tutorial I followed uses an NSArray to fill the table which is declared in code-behind. Since my SQLite methods gets the data from database to an Array, I thought if I copy this array to the array in filtering methods, that would work.

But it didn't.

Here is some code with explanations:

-(void)searchBar:(UISearchBar *)searchBar textDidChange:(NSString *)searchText {
    if ([searchText length] == 0) {
        [displayItems removeAllObjects];
        [displayItems addObjectsFromArray:allItems];
    } else {
        [displayItems removeAllObjects];
        for (NSString *string in allItems) {
            NSRange r = [string rangeOfString:searchText options:NSCaseInsensitiveSearch];

            if (r.location != NSNotFound) {
                [displayItems addObject:string];

    [tableViewScreen reloadData];

Code above is for filtering and I tried to copy the array that I used to fill the table to allItems array like this:

MyProjectAppDelegate *appDelegate = (MyProjectAppDelegate *)[[UIApplication sharedApplication] delegate];
allItems = appDelegate.mySqliteArray;

Or like this:

allItems = [[NSArray alloc] initWithArray:appDelegate.mySqliteArray];

But none of them did work.

I'd like to point my problem again,

I have a method that gets the data into an array in Ap开发者_高级运维pDelegate class, and in my TableView class, I want to copy that array to another.

P.S. mySqliteArray is mutable array and allItems array is not.

And also, my cells are created by custom cell class, and there are 2 labels in each row.

Since I was defining an array that has objects created by my defined class, I later realized that I was mistaken to carry objects but not strings.

So I updated my code like this and succeeded to create the needed array:

for (MyClass *object in appDelegate.mySqliteArray) {
[allItems addObject:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@", object.objectName]];




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