
Parsing an XML to a tableview

I'm really new to developing on Android. I started learning developing due to an application we need to make. I also have a deadline. So, I wonder if anyone could help this hopeless rookie out :P That'd be so great.

I need the values of the keywords (lag, kamper, mal, poeng, maldiff, status, posisjon, hb, malH, MalB, E, V, U, T, J, kn, id) to be put into a 开发者_如何转开发tableview. Not all of them but many.

If someone got a guide or tutorial that a newbie could follow, it would be greatly appreciated. Or if someone could set it up for me so I could fill in the rest.

I know I'm way over my head with this stuff but if there's any chance I can get it done, I will try.

Here's an URL to a forum I posted the XML in.


How do I add XML file? Copy-paste doesn't work.

use jaxp library to parse xml. Inthat xpath concept is there. using this we can easily parse xml.

If I got your problem then according to me there is no method to show data in TableView directly while parsing the xml file, you need to parse XML file and store data(say key - value pair or in bean class) and then you need to write code to set your TableView with parsed vales.





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