
How can I get the property of ControlTemplate element?

My XAML looks like this:

            IndependentValuePath="Category" DependentValuePath="Amount"
            Palette="{StaticResource MyPalette}">
            <ControlTemplate TargetType="charting:Chart">
                        <RowDefinition Height="Auto" />
                        <RowDefinition Height="*" />
                        <RowDefinition Height="*" />
                    <datavis:Title Content="{TemplateBinding Title}" Style="{TemplateBinding TitleStyle}" Margin="1"/>
                    <Grid Grid.Row="1" Margin="5,0,5,0">
                        <chartingPrmtvs:EdgePanel x:Name="ChartArea" MinHeight="200" Style="{TemplateBinding ChartAreaStyle}">
                            <Grid Canvas.ZIndex="-1" Style="{TemplateBinding PlotAreaStyle}" />
                            <Border Canvas.ZIndex="10" BorderBrush="#FF919191" BorderThickness="1" />
                    <datavis:Legend VerticalAlignment="Top" Grid.Row="2" Header="{TemplateBinding LegendTitle}" Style="{TemplateBinding LegendStyle}" x:Name="Legend"/>

How can I get the height of ChartArea? Quick Watch shows the value of pieSeries1.ChartArea but this one is not available on Runtime. I also tried FindName but no result.

Should be fairly easy right?

You can add the following in your Chart class:

    private EdgePanel panel;
    public override void OnApplyTemplate()
        panel = (EdgePanel)Template.FindName("ChartArea", this);

When and how to get the height depends on your own logic needs it.

Eventually I found the solution. The OnApplyTemplate solution from @Bubblewrap did not work, unfortunately.

  • I gave my charting:PieSeries a name, e.g. pie.
  • In the code behind I was able to access the ChartArea via pie.Parent as EdgePanel.

Create an attached property (say ChartHeight) and bind the value of ActualHeight of ChartArea to it.

After that just check the value in your code.





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