
Node.js Whiteboard App for Team / Educational Collaboration [closed]

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I'm looking to build/adapt a shared whiteboard app for team and educational collaboration. Draw on a board, write some text, save picture, clear board, etc. We've already got a simple chat system setup with node.js and socket.io so probably want to stay on that 开发者_Python百科route.

  1. What open source apps exist that might be pluggable / adaptable for this use?
  2. What node.js / javascript / html5 technologies might be useful for this task?

As far as node.js technologies you would need the following

  • express to handle your http server
  • socket.io to handle communication

As far as rendering on the client I would recommend

  • rapheal as an SVG rendering

Apart from that you need some kind of database, Redis, mongoDB & CouchDB are popular.

Apart from that just write it. Any other libraries you think you might need along the way can be found on the npm registry

However I can offer some package.json examples for my chat and my blog to give some inspiration as to what libraries are useful

Another open source whiteboard in Node.js is here


website: http://www.thematisse.org

Open Source Whiteboard in NodeJs






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