Downloading bar in android [closed]
I have a problem that I want to create a downloading Bar means it increases as Downloading percentage increases in the background of a list row. I don't know How to implement this in Android. Please suggest me for right result.
Thanks in advance.
Check out for Linq Tutorials... FROM Source:What are some good LINQ resources?
FROM [ScottGu's blog]
- Part 1: Introduction to LINQ to SQL
- Part 2: Defining our Data Model Classes
- Part 3: Querying our Database
- Part 4: Updating our Database
- Part 5: Binding UI using the ASP:LinqDataSource Control
- Part 6: Retrieving Data Using Stored Procedures
- Part 7: Updating our Database using Stored Procedures
- Part 8: Executing Custom SQL Expressions
- Part 9: Using a Custom LINQ Expression with the