Rails/RSpec: 'get' to a different controller
I have the following in my Rails 3 controllers/application.rb (which I'm trying to write a spec for):
rescue_from CanCan::AccessDenied do |exception|
flash[:alert] = t(:access_denied)
if (current_user) then
redirect_to root_url
session[:direct_redirect] = request.url
redirect_to new_user_session_url
I'd like to write some specs to ensure the functionality works. I've placed the tests in spec/开发者_高级运维controller/application_controller_spec.rb, and figure I should write something such as:
it "should redirect to the root url" do
controller.stub(:authorize!) { raise CanCan::AccessDenied }
get :index
response.should redirect_to(root_url)
The problem is that get :index line. The spec throws back a 'no route matches controller => application" error. "Fair enough", I figured, and tried to route to a different controller. Attempts were:
* get :controller => 'purchases', :action => :index
* get purchases_url
* get '/purchases/'
All of which where interpreted as an action under the 'application' controller.
So, how can I route to a controller in rspec apart from the one in which the spec is written?
To test that kind of thing you're going to want to use anonymous controllers within RSpec. Relish has a fantastic example here about them.
Be sure to have a look around in other parts of that documentation too. I've learned a lot by just going through the examples they have there.
In your spec:
@controller = ADifferentController.new
expect(@controller).to receive(:this_other_thing)
get :index # or whatever