How to build boolean combination of two MethodCallExpressions
The example uses Northwind database. The database has a "Orders" table which has "ShipName" and "ShipAddress" columns. The entity framework model in c# program has a "Order" type which has "ShipName" and "ShipAddress" properties.
I want to find the orders with Order.ShipName containing "some pattern" and Order.ShipAddress containing "other pattern". Because the ShipName and ShipAddress needs to match some pattern (can contain wild char * and ?), I have to use a stored procedure "sp_FindStringPattern" to do the string pattern search. The stored procedure returns a integer value which is mapped to System.Boolean after the stored procedure is mapped to c# function.
The follow code compiles and can run. But I don't know how to combine the two MethodCallExpression using PredicateBuilder.
using(NorthwndEntities dataEntities = new NorthwndEntities())
// build a MethodCallExpression for Order.ShipName searching in database
ConstantExpression expEntity = Expression.Constant(dataEntities,typeof(NorthwndEntities));
ParameterExpression pe = Expression.Parameter(typeof(Order), "o");
MethodInfo minfo = dataEntities.GetType().GetMethod("sp_FindStringPattern");
开发者_开发问答 MemberExpression me1 = Expression.PropertyOrField(pe, "ShipName");
string strName = "A*Corp"; // "*" is wild chars
ConstantExpression ce1 = Expression.Constant(strName, typeof(string));
MethodCallExpression meth1 = Expression.Call(expEntity, minfo, new Expression[] { me1, ce1});
// build a methodCallExpression for Order.ShipAddress searching in database
MemberExpression me2 = Expression.PropertyOrField(pe, "ShipAddress");
string strAddr = "Huntington";
ConstantExpression ce2 = Expression.Constant(strAddr, typeof(string));
MethodCallExpression meth2 = Expression.Call(expEntity, minfo, new Expression[] { me2, ce2});
Question: How to use predicate builder to "AND" combine the two method call expression? I tried many ways, but all failed (compile and run until to build "AND" predicate). I appreciate your kind help.