
Debug Maven to find out the war file name that has been created

I am getting this exception in Maven2 when i run mvn deploy

Please see the error

[INFO] An Ant BuildException has occured: Warning: Could not find file D:\bayer\service\target\${file.name}.war to copy.
I have this below line under my POM.xml file 

Please tell me is it possible to see the file.name that is forming at runtime ??

I have this line under my POM.xml file

<copy file="${project.build开发者_JAVA百科.directory}/${file.name}.${project.packaging}" tofile="${deploy.home}/${webapps.dir}/${file.name}.${project.packaging}" />

How can we debug this ??

By default maven generated wars will have the following name:


In you antrun plugin you can reference maven properties ( see http://maven.apache.org/plugins/maven-antrun-plugin/usage.html ).

So if you replace file.name property by a direct maven reference it will just work:


( above assumes that your ant script is inside the pom.xml and not externalized )

You also can override that in the build section of your pom.xml:


For general debug output from mvn just use the -X flag





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