Kohana 3.2 Validation_Exception will not support errors()
I am trying to add the error messages to my validation object.
It says that errors is not a method of Validation_Exception. That I know... The thing is that I though the $e variable would be the instance of the Validation Class in the model. My question is how can attach the error messages?
ErrorException [ Fatal Error ]: Call to undefined method Validation_Exception::errors()
208 // redirect to the user account
209 $this->request->redirect('user/profile');
210 } catch (Validation_Exception $e) {
211 // Get errors for display in view
212 // Note how the first param is the path to the message file (e.g. /messages/register.php)
213 $errors = $e->errors('register/user');
214 // Move external errors to main array, for post helper compatibility
215 $errors = array_merge($errors, (isset($errors['_external']) ? $errors['_external'] : array()));
216 $view->set('errors', $errors);
217 // Pass on the old form values
218 $_POST['password'] = $_POST['password_confirm'] = '';
$validation = Validation::factory($fields)
->rules('username', $this->_rules['username'])
->rule('username', array($this, 'username_available'), array(':validation', ':field'))
->rules('email', $this->_rules['email'])
->rule('email', array($this, 'email_available'), array(':validation', ':field'))
->rules('password', $this->_rules['password'])
->rules('password_confirm', $this->_rules['password_confirm']);
if (Kohana::config('useradmin')->activation_code) {
$validation->rule('activation_code', array($this, 'check_activation_code'), array(':validation', ':field'));
throw new Validation_Exception($validation, __('Your registering information is not valid.'));
I really don't see why this error is accuring.
You have basically answered your own question - Validation_Exception
doesn't have errors
method. You need to call it from Validation
object instead.