
Mediawiki tag extension - chained tags do not get processed

I'm trying to develop a simple Tag Extension for Mediawiki. So far I'm basically outputing the input as it comes. The problem arises when there are chained tags. For instance, for this example:

function efSampleParserInit( Parser &$parser ) {
      开发者_如何转开发  $parser->setHook( 'sample', 'efSampleRender' );
        return true;

function efSampleRender( $input, array $args, Parser $parser, PPFrame $frame ) {
    return "hello ->" .  $input . "<- hello";

If I write this in an article:

This is the text <sample type="1">hello my <sample type="2">brother</sample> John</sample>

Only the first sample tag gets processed. The other one isn't. I guess I should work with the $parser object I receive so I return the parsed input, but I don't know how to do it.

Furthermore, Mediawiki's reference is pretty much non existant, it would be great to have something like a Doxygen reference or something.

Use $parser->recursiveTagParse(), as shown at Manual:Tag_extensions#How do I render wikitext in my extension?.

It is kind of a clunky interface, and not very well documented. The underlying reason why such a seemingly natural thing to do is so tricky to accomplish is that it sort of goes against the original design intent of tag extensions — they were originally conceived as low-level filters that take in raw unparsed text and spit out HTML, completely bypassing normal parsing. So, for example, if you wanted to include some content written in Markdown (such as a StackOverflow post) on a wiki page, the idea was that you could install a suitable extension and then write

**Look,** here's some Markdown text!

on the page, and the MediaWiki parser would leave everything between the <markdown> tags alone and just hand it over to the extension for parsing.

Of course, it turned out that most people who wrote MediaWiki tag extensions didn't really want to replace the parser, but just to apply some tweaks to it. But the way the tag extension interface was set up, the only way to do that was to call the parser recursively. I've sometimes thought it would be nice to add a new parser extension type to MediaWiki, something that looked like tag extensions but didn't interrupt normal parsing in such a drastic manner. Alas, my motivation and copious free time hasn't so far been sufficient to actually do something about it.





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