
Powershell - Array Range from user input

What would be the easiest way to get user input for an array range.

For ex开发者_Go百科ample:

function MyArrayOfMachines {
    # What should I assign the $Range variable as?
 # Hardcoded range. User should be able to enter the range
 $Range = 2..5
 for ($i=0; $i -lt $array.length; $i +=1)
   $result = $array[$i]
   $output = $machine+$result

The above function should take the input as the name of the machine and the array range. For now I have the array range hardcoded. When I assign $Range as [Array]$Range in the user prompt, there is a prompt for $Range[0] etc etc. But I would like the user the enter the range.

Doesn't this work? Unless I misunderstood your question...

function test($range){



test -range (1..5)

You can also accept the range as a string and parse it yourself:

   function Test

    if($range -is [String])
        [int]$start, [int]$end = $range.split('.', [StringSplitOptions]::RemoveEmptyEntries)

The reason for the if / else is for cases where the user passes an actual range, as in manojlds answer, rather than a string to be parsed (like 1..5). This means you can't strongly type the param though.

Make it two parameters:

function test{
    param ( [int]$st,

    $Range = $st..$end

test 1 5

If they input the start and end of the range you can use that to create it dynamically in the function.


To get the range from a string, try:

function test{
    param ($Range)

    $NewRange = $Range.substring(0,($Range.indexof('.')))..$Range.substring(($Range.lastindexof('.') + 1))

test 1..5

I agree with @manojlds, the range should be passed in as an array. Parsing a string limits the possibilities of what a user could enter. By using [int[]] you can force the user to specify an array of integers. This would also allow a user to specify a broken range such as ((2..4)+(6..12)) which is harder to allow for when parsing strings.

In your example I'm not sure where $array is coming from, and you only need one line to return a computed machine name.

function MyArrayOfMachines {
    [string] $machine,

    [int[]] $range

    foreach($n in $range) {

You could create a single machine name,

MyArrayOfMachines Laptop 1

a range of machines,

MyArrayOfMachines Workstation (2..10)

or a non-consecutive array of machines

MyArrayOfMachines Server ((2..3)+(5..9))

You could just pass a string and evaluate it:

function Test([string]$range) {
  if ($Range -match '^\d+\.\.\d+$') {
    $RangeArray = Invoke-Expression $Range
  } else {
    $RangeArray = 1..5

Some minimal validation is done to ensure that the user cannot pass arbitrary code.





验证码 换一张
取 消

