
Invalid Permissions When Running Julius Speech Recognition on a Wav File

How do you use Julius to convert a Wav file containing spoken words into a text file containing those words? I've read the 开发者_如何转开发Julius Book and I've downloaded the Julius quickstart release on Voxforge. From the docs, I think I'm suppose to list the Wav file I want to process in another file, and pass the filename of that file to Julius via the filelist param.

For example, I have the julius executable and the other quickstart files (grammar files, conf, etc) in /home/myuser/test, and I have all my Wav files in /home/myuser/test/audio. julius is owned by my user, and has execute permission, and all the audio files have 777 permission. I have my filelist at /home/myuser/test/audio/filelist.txt, with lines like:


However, when I run:

./julian -input rawfile -filelist /home/myuser/test/audio/filelist.txt -C julian.jconf

I get the error:

./julian: line 1: /home/myuser/test/audio/somewav1.wav: Permission denied

I can't fathom why it can't access the file. It's owned by my user, running as my user, and reading a file owned by my user.

Why is Julius giving me this error?

Just try using sudo Front of sentence. Like

sudo ./julian -input rawfile -filelist /home/myuser/test/audio/filelist.txt -C julian.jconf




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取 消

