
troubling with find and replace function in files

I know that it is not a programming question ?

But i need a anoth开发者_如何学编程er help relating to find and replace function in php code editor. I am using eclipse and Dreamweaver and i have about 650 php files and would like to replace a string in all files without opening individual files. Could you guys Please help me that, is available any function in eclipse or Dreamweaver so that i can replace the string with specified string to all files ?

There is also sub folders hierarchy.

Any help or suggestion will be highly appreciated.

In Eclipse, go to the Search menu, choose File..., enter the string to search and *.php in the file name pattern, then click the Replace... button.

You may also click the Search button, and then right-click in the Search view and choose Replace All... or Replace selected...

Googled it and, voila:


Step by step instructions.

In Dreamweaver, CTRL+F (or Edit > Find (and replace)) then choose whatever you want from "Find in:" dropdown menu. You have:

  • Selected Text
  • Current Document
  • Open Documents
  • Folder...
  • Selected Files in Site
  • Entire Current Local Site

For eclipse, check this: Search for all files in project containing the text 'querystring' in Eclipse





验证码 换一张
取 消

