
BigDecimal - material decimal places

I have a BigDecimal value and I want to know if the number of decimal places it has is outside a boundary.

e.g. If BigDecimal is 123.456 and my decimal places boundary is 2 then this would be an error

However 123.450 with a boundary of 2 is ok as I consider the 0 to be immaterial for this test.

I am a bit unsure about BigDecimal with it's scale/unscaled implementation.

I have looked at scale() as an option but I think this could be wrong 开发者_开发问答for my case where trailing zeros are concerned.

Does anyone know the correct way to test for this?

BigDecimal has stripTrailingZeros(). After that scale() will do what you want.

OR you could use BigDecimal.setScale(2, RoundingMode.UNNECESSARY) which will throw an Exception if there are non-zeros. To me this looks a bit inefficient in the common case. But if you would throw an exception anyway it might be useful.





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