The simpliest way to change only colors in theme
I'm using WPF Toolkit Themes( http开发者_如何学Go:// ). Actually I'm using only ExpressionDark.
But I want to change colors for every control. Need I override all elements and write whole of the big code? Isnt there any siplier way to change only colors? I need only change hue. Isnt there any applications, addons or so on which can change the hue in every colors in this theme?
I don't know of any addons, but usually I'd put all my Colors in a separate XAML file so I can swap out that resource dictionary as needed
For example:
<Color x:Key="BorderColor_Base">#FF8DB2E3</Color>
<Color x:Key="BackgroundColor_Base">White</Color>
<Color x:Key="BorderBrushDark">#FF8DB2E3</Color>
<Color x:Key="BorderBrushLight">#FFC0F9FF</Color>
You can also overwrite System colors, using syntax such as:
<SolidColorBrush x:Key="{x:Static SystemColors.ControlBrushKey}" Color="Red" />