
Logs Files will reduce the website speed in cakephp?

Sorry for this basic question I logging($this->log()) lot of things from all controllers in my live site. My tmp/logs folder contain around 1 gb of log files, whether this will reduce the 开发者_如何学Csite speed/ or slows site speed? we are removing log files once in a week from live server

Yes it will affect performance

If you have large log files, before writing to the log it's necessary to scan to the end of the log file - although this is not normally noticable it can with large files degrade performance.

It's for this reasons that tools like logrotate exist; and why it's a good idea to get in the habit of deleting/archiving your log files from time to time - or regularly if they are building up quickly.

the impact of writing log is pretty negligible (although I don't know how much you are logging). Besides, try to limit logging to debugging purpose, when you are done, remove it.





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