
CruiseControl.NET and TFS Labeller

I'm facing a very simple issue but I can't find the right tool: We (in our team) currently build our Web App (.NET 3.5开发者_StackOverflowSP1 Based) with CC.NET, getting source code from SubVersion.

We're moving to TFS2005 (already used by other teams) but I can't find the equivalent of the SvnVersionLabeller; the specific labeller gets the latest version from the (specified) SubVersion server so I can align both Build Labels and DLLs Version.

Is there anyone already did it ? Should I do it by myself?

Am I moving in the wrong way?

We're currently using CC.NET also because we've 3 Build Servers in 3 different countries connected with slow data connection.

Finally I decided to write my own TFS Labeller for CruiseControl.NET .

Here's the url of the project on CodePlex: http://tfsrevisionlabeller.codeplex.com

I created a project for tfs labeller in github.

  • Download the ccnet.tfsrevisionlabeller.plugin.dll file from Release page
  • Copy it into the CruiseControl.NET Installation folder (e.g. C:\Program Files\CruiseControl.NET\server),
  • Restart the CruiseControl.NET Service to use the plugin.

Finally update your project like below example.


 <labeller type="tfsRevisionLabeller">

We customize the build number and are using the build number to set the version number of the assemblies.

Take a look at this blog post by Martin Woodward: Aligning Build Numbers with Assembly Versions in TFS2008

I believe you can do the same with TFS 2005.





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