
Connect to Mongo DB on a remote server behind LDAP using perl

So I intend to connect to mongoDB which is on a remote server behind LDAP. The mongoDB by itself has no username/password setup, but the server on which mongoDB is running is behind LDAP.

My question is how do I setup the server tunneling username/password 开发者_StackOverflow社区configuration to connect to MongoDB

I am using the mongoDB module from cpan.

lets assume -

LDAP credentials are

username - ldapuser

password - ldappassword

I do know how to setup if the mongoDB has a username and password

my $connection = MongoDB::Connection->new(host => 'mongodb://perlnewbi3.remoteserver.com:27107', username => 'dbuser', password => 'dbpass', db_name => 'testdb');
my $database = $connection->testdb;

As always any help will be much appreciated

This whole thing is really a question of permissions rather than a question of how to use MongoDB.

There are two basic methods:

  1. Ensure that the Perl app in running in the correct user context so that it can see port 27017 on remoteserver.com.
  2. Create a secured tunnel on the local machine, typically with something like SSH. Then update your connection in PERL to point to the correct port on the local machine. (mongodb://localhost:27017)

Option #1 is probably the ideal solution, however, Option #2 is probably simplest option to setup.





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