
Can't provision iOS 5 Beta device with Xcode 4.1

I had to re-install iOS and decided to run the new beta 5 which is out. All went 开发者_开发知识库fine during the process except I have a project running in Xcode 4.1 and want to provision my iOS 5 device but it's not showing up when I plug it into my MBP. I setup it up in the developers portal side of things at it shows my device as provisioned.

I figure it's my iOS 5 beta not being backwards compatible with the version of Xcode I'm using but I would like to be wrong about this.

Any tips? advice?

Also posted on the Apple Developers Forum if anyone wants to answer there

As iOS 5.0 and Xcode 4.2 are both under NDA, I'd suggest you're best placed to raise this question on the Apple dev forums.

The short answer to this question is you'll need Xcode 4.2. It's a good time to move to 4.2 as Preview 7 is fairly stable.





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