
table sorter with combined two rows

jQuery table sorter with combined rows

Every second row contains detail data for the first row. By default, it is hidden with CSS, but I can slide it open with jQuery.

What I would like to achieve: Table sorting sim开发者_高级运维ilar to this jQuery plugin: http://tablesorter.com/docs/

The problem: The plugin should "glue together" all pair rows, and move them together. The sorting should be done only with the data of the first row (.row-vm), while ignoring the content of the second row (.row-details).

Is there a jQuery plugin that supports this?

<tr class="row-vm">
<tr class="row-details">
    <td colspan="6">
       Description data
<tr class="row-vm">
<tr class="row-details">
    <td colspan="6">
       Description data

So i'm not sure how well documented this was but i found what i think you are looking for in the table object.

Check out this fiddle

It looks like you can add a class of expand-child. Or you can pass in your own class name

    cssChildRow: "row-details"

We have the same issue and found a workaround. I pass the class name that I have set on the 2nd row. Just add one of the code below :

            cssChildRow: "tableName/ID/classname"


    cssChildRow: "tableName/ID/classname"

i'm using datatables, take a look and see if helps you

examples: http://datatables.net/examples/





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