
Is it possible to use newer headers on an older version of gcc (g++)?

Is it possible to use newer headers with an older version of gcc ? I have gcc 4.2.1 on my ipod (which I learned has a compiler that can be installed with cydia) but I have gcc 4.4.3 on my distro. I was wondering if I need to get the original headers (if thats even possible, I know gnu likes to phase way older versions out) or if I can just use the ones from my distro?

In particular, I'm talking about g++.

EDIT: just found this going to follow it.

jeremyg:Building c/c++ applications using gcc/g++ on iphone

NEW EDIT: Found t开发者_运维百科his Trying to compile Hello World example but can't find objc library? antirez iphone-gcc tutorial

Edit: Well I'm in one hell of a spot lmao I've got full C support and an almost usable g++ compiler and the open toolchain(torrented a "working version") that needs minor modifications. if i could just get objc working on my ipod I wouldn't mind using objc the whole purpose is to of course is to make apps :D

one quick question the toolchain was compiled on an amd64 machine but for i686 so that makes it intel compatible? I'm not sure the whole amd64 thing is throwing me off ;P

You shouldn't need to, there's no reason for the gcc on your PC and on your iPod to be the same. What are you trying to do?





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