
How to test Push Notification is working in my application - in iPad

I already have asked about how to test Push notification in iPhone.

Now I have to test the same in iPad. I found that the tool PushMeBaby does not work in iPad. When I tried to do so it is showing some Socket error(5).

Is 开发者_JAVA技巧there any other tool which helps me to test this? Or Can I fix this error in PushMeBaby tool and make it workable to test the same in iPad?

Thanks in advance.

I am adding this answer just for those who may do the same mistake I have done.
It was giving me error sometime otherwise it was neither giving any error nor any push message is displayed. The Problem was in Device Token. Since I did not copy/paste it but added it manually it was very difficult to find the miss characters. When I replaced it with copy/paste data and re-execute it, it is sending a push message for each click.

Those who believe that PushMeBaby tool is only for iPhone/iPod are wrong (including me before today). It is meant for all the devices. Hats Off to PushMeBaby.





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