
Can't call FB.ui in dev (localhost) environment

I used to be able to, but for some reason all my Facebook Javascript API calls using FB.ui() no longer work in my development environment where my url is localhost:8080. In production it works fine though. I have a dev environment Facebook application, but I did just change URLs around in it. I assume that's where the problem is. How do I have a Facebook application that allows FB.ui() calls from dev and production environments? This is the error I get when calling FB.UI() in dev:

An error occurred with AppleTree dev. Please try again later.

API Error Code: 191
API Error Description: The specified URL is not owned by the application
E开发者_如何学Gorror Message: redirect_uri is not owned by the application.

I always add a entry in my hosts file for something like:  dev.mydomain.com

And then set my app domain in the app settings to mydomain.com (to allow subdomains). Then access your site in your browser at http://dev.mydomain.com:8080 and FB.ui should allow the call.





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