ImageSpan in a widget?
Are there any limitations to adding an ImageSpan to a widget? This identical code works fine in a standard TextView.
SpannableStringBuilder buf = new SpannableStringBuilder("");
if(!TextUtils.isEmpty(message.getMessageBody())) {
开发者_Go百科 SmileyParser parser = SmileyParser.getInstance();
buf.append(parser.addSmileySpans(group ? message.getMessageBodyWithoutName() : message.getMessageBody()));
view.setTextViewText(, buf);
Edit 1:
public CharSequence addSmileySpans(CharSequence text) {
SpannableStringBuilder builder = new SpannableStringBuilder(text);
Matcher matcher = mPattern.matcher(text);
while (matcher.find()) {
int resId = mSmileyToRes.get(;
builder.setSpan(new ImageSpan(mContext, resId),
matcher.start(), matcher.end(),
return builder;
The smiley's are local assets.
I am going to interpret this literally, that you mean your images are in assets/
My guess is that the home screen is having difficulty resolving your asset reference. As a test, try putting the images on external storage and using Uri.fromFile()
to create your Uri
. If that works, try putting them as drawable resources and using the resource IDs. Or, try the resource Uri
Uri.parse("android.resource://" + R.raw.myvideo);