javascript - keep track of successful ajax requests / returns
I am trying to find a way to keep track of successful ajax returns using javascript only not jquery or other libs. What I want to do is to show a loading graphic when the function is fired and clear the graphic when all the results are returned. My function breaks up the input and calls a defined number of ajax requests.
I read that there is no straight forward way to do it. I am trying to set up a function to count the successful requests, but I am running into a logical barrier that I can't solve. My basic outline is below:
Edited to update solution.
The solution is to create ct as a global variable My working code outline is
var ct = 0;//declare outside of function as global
function ajaxcallback(...) {
if (success)
//output/do something
ct++; //increase global ct by 1
countajax (total);//call countajax
}//end function
function countajax (total)
if (ct == total)
//turn off loading graphic
}//end countajax
I开发者_开发技巧 suppose the function countajax is not necessary, the comparison of ct == total can be done without calling the function countajax.
There is actually a very straightforward way to do this:
Call a method from inside every ajax callback, and make sure that this function only actually does anything if all the ajax calls are completed, like this:
(function() {
var ajax1_done = ajax2_done = ajax3_done = false;
function ajax1_callback() {
ajax1_done = true;
function ajax2_callback() {
ajax2_done = true;
function ajax3_callback() {
ajax3_done = true;
function run_when_all_is_done() {
if(ajax1_done && ajax2_done && ajax3_done) {
//do stuff here
One way to do this is to keep a variable that tracks how many requests you made and another that tracks how many responses you've received. Then after you've kicked off all of your ajax calls start a poller (setInterval) that checks for the response count variable to match the total requests variable.
var totalRequests = 0,
successfulRequests = 0,
poller = null;
// psuedo code
ajax("", function(resp){ successfulRequests++; } /** callback */);
ajax("", function(resp){ successfulRequests++; } /** callback */);
ajax("", function(resp){ successfulRequests++; } /** callback */);
// run poller after you've kicked off all your ajax requests
poller = window.setInterval(function(){
if(totalRequests === successfulRequests){
alert("all ajax finished");
poller = null;