
Mapping lists in my Mapper class using using AutoMapper

I am using ASP.NET MVC 3 and AutoMapper.

In my category controller I return a list of categories and I want to map each category to a category view model which is used in my grid. I have my own mapper class method that accepts the source, source type and destination type and then does the mapping of single objects. How would I add and additional method so that I can map lists?

For example, if I want to map a开发者_运维知识库 single category to my category edit view model then the following mapping will be used:

Mapper.CreateMap<CategoryCreateViewModel, Category>();

In my controller I would map the 2 like this:

Category category = (Category)categoryMapper.Map(viewModel, typeof(CategoryCreateViewModel), typeof(Category));

This is what my mapping method looks like:

public class CategoryMapper : ICategoryMapper
     static CategoryMapper()
          Mapper.CreateMap<Category, CategoryCreateViewModel>();
          Mapper.CreateMap<Category, CategoryViewModel>();
          Mapper.CreateMap<CategoryCreateViewModel, Category>();

     public object Map(object source, Type sourceType, Type destinationType)
          return Mapper.Map(source, sourceType, destinationType);

     // I have been trying to get this right but not working
     //public object Map(object source, IEnumerable<Type> sourceType, IEnumerable<Type> destinationType)
     //     return Mapper.Map(sourceType, destinationType);

I want to add another method where I can map lists. How would I do this?

AutoMapper knows how to map lists, you don't need any extra code.

As long as you provide the mapping for the single object, it will work.




var mappedCollection = Mapper.Map<IEnumerable<Source>,IEnumerable<Dest>>(items);

And it will work.


var maplist= Mapper.Map<IEnumerable<TSource>, IEnumerable<TDestination>>(IEnumerable<TSource>source);

i'm not sure but try something like

var category = CategoryMapper.Map(viewModel, CategoryCreateViewModel, Category);

public object Map(object source, IEnumerable<T> sourceType, IEnumerable<T> destinationType)
         return Mapper.Map<sourceType,destinationType>(source);

I wanted to use my IMapper methods like I mentioned above. With the help of Darin Dimitrov I got this to work. Here is my controller code:

public ActionResult JsonGetParentCategoryList()
     IEnumerable<Category> categoryList = categoryService.GetAll();

     // Mapping
     IEnumerable<CategoryViewModel> viewModelList = (IEnumerable<CategoryViewModel>)

     JsonEncapsulatorDto<CategoryViewModel> data = new JsonEncapsulatorDto<CategoryViewModel>
          DataResultSet = viewModelList

     return Json(data, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet);

It works with my current IMapper Map method.





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