
Delphi (XE2): Trial - what can I do? What about my old Delphi? [closed]

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Closed 7 years ago.

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I have been at RAD Studio XE2 World Tour here in Poland in Cracov and I really love new features, so Im almost sure, Ill buy it. But now I downloaded trial version and I want to ask about two things:

Firstly: What can I do with it? I mean - can I build for example one free application and distribute it over Internet? It would be 开发者_Go百科freeware application written within these 30 days. License is quite long and I cant find restrictions like that.

Secondly: If I install this trial anything bad can happen to my Delphi 2009 (Professional)? I have a lot of IDE experts, additional components, important projects etc etc - I dont want to lose anything. In short - is it better to install it on VM?

You are not allowed to distribute applications or components written with the trial edition of Delphi.

I've installed 'full' XE2 onto a VM which already had Delphi 7 and Delphi 2010 on, and haven't seen any adverse effects over the last couple of days. All 3 environments appear to get along fine, as has long been the Delphi tradition.

Once I get a chance I'll stick it on my 'main' development VM, which is currently Delphi 2007.

However, I don't know about the trial version aspect of it. I wouldn't expect it to behave any differently but if you're concerned about your production/work environment, I would strongly suggest that you isolate your trial explorations to a VM... - just to be safe. :-)





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